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  • Writer's pictureMabel Au-Yeung

Finding My Fitness Holy Grail with the Vasper Systems

Updated: Aug 26

The Vasper rehab & performance training protocol packs a punch, delivering a potent combination in a 21-minute session that blends low-impact movements with high-intensity effort, all without breaking a sweat.

Photo: Vasper

After my running days were forcibly retired twenty-odd years ago due to runners’ knees, my quads became a shadow of their former selves. Creaking knees while doing squats, leg extensions, or hiking downhill curtailed sustained effort in keeping my legs in shape. Ageing and inconsistency with walking or swimming didn’t help either. Alarmed at my diminishing muscles and overall fitness, I was determined to find a painless and effective solution. 

By chance, I discovered Vasper Systems over a chat with a friend who, unbeknownst to me, has been reaping its benefits for the past few years. Intrigued, I couldn’t resist checking it out. Vasper claims a hefty list of health benefits: think muscle-building, inflammation reduction, sleep improvement, and more. It was exactly what I had been looking for, so it was a no-brainer to give it a shot.

The coolest 21-minute workout

Utilising a machine reminiscent of a recumbent crosstraining bike, the Vasper workout provides a uniquely cool experience from start to finish. Before commencing the workout, my trainer, Esther Fok, equips me with compression cuffs for my thighs and arms, a heart rate monitor, and activates the bike’s liquid cooling mat, plus the cooling feature of the copper footplates, which also provide a grounding effect while pedalling. She then selects an optimum workout programme for me from the machine’s integrated tablet.

Photo: Esther Fok

My initial session began with a 9-minute warm-up, followed by 6 30-second sprints and 90-second intervals, progressing after a few sessions to a 6-minute warm-up and 7 intense sprints (varying from 15 seconds to 1 minute). This phase demands everything I’ve got while maintaining focus on my breathing and posture—something I hadn’t realised needed attention until Esther highlighted various alignment issues. The workout concludes with a cooling-down period. I am able to track my performance via the tablet, with comprehensive metrics sent to my email upon completion.

The chill aftermath

The Vasper session doesn’t just end with the workout. A 9-minute lie-down on a cooling bed wraps up the whole experience neatly into a 30-minute package. The icing on the cake is that there is no need for a post-workout shower! 

Photo: Esther Fok

Vasper in a nutshell

Derived from NASA spacesuit technology that’s grabbing the attention of NASA and Olympic athletes, the bio-hacking Vasper Systems, short for vascular performance, offers a revolutionary exercise system right here on Earth for anyone from amateurs and those with physical limitations to professional athletes. 

To break it down, Vasper orchestrates a fitness regimen equivalent to 2 hours of high-intensity anaerobic exercise in just 21 minutes of low-impact workout without sweating and the wear and tear commonly associated with high-energy exercise, using three key elements:

Interval training: Short bursts of high-intensity effort followed by rest periods, maximising calorie burn and improving cardiovascular fitness.

Compression technology: Enhances blood flow to the muscles, promoting lactic acid buildup. This triggers your body’s natural repair mechanisms and potentially leads to increased human growth hormone and testosterone release. 

Cooling mechanism: Helps maintain optimal body temperature during exercise, reducing fatigue and improving performance. By increasing oxygenation and potentially reducing inflammation, it also aids in muscle recovery. You can push harder with less exertion and zero overheating.

My verdict: all gain, no pain

The old adage “no pain, no gain” doesn’t apply to my experience with Vasper—it’s all about the gain without the pain. Remarkably, I’ve experienced no knee pain during the workout, no muscle soreness afterwards, and even an alleviation of my persistent lower back ache. Rather than feeling tired, I’m left energised.

Just a few sessions in, my quads and calves look more sculpted, and my endurance in the pool has unexpectedly surged. The visible progress, both physical and cardio, has boosted my motivation, leading me to adopt interval training in my swimming routine, inspired by Vasper’s principles. At a recent medical appointment for my regular knee hyaluronic injections, my doctor commented that continuing my newfound exercise regime could restore about 70% of my peak quad muscles. Yeah!

From my standpoint, Vasper is an ideal workout for older adults—or anyone seeking a safe, painless yet effective fitness approach. It bolsters muscle and bone strength, enhances balance, and rejuvenates hormones that typically wane with age, offering holistic health improvements. This workout is invaluable not just for fitness but works well as a complement to osteopathy and physiotherapy.

Eagerly anticipating my weekly sessions, I encourage anyone, regardless of age or physical capability, to give Vasper a go. My experience might just inspire your next big fitness breakthrough. For those in Hong Kong, consider visiting Balance Wellness to explore the Vasper Systems firsthand.

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