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  • Writer's pictureMabel Au-Yeung

Japanese longevity expert unveils wellness secrets of supercentenarians

Photo: LongeviQuest

In pursuing a long and fulfilling life, we often find ourselves captivated by the stories of those who have defied the odds and surpassed the average lifespan. Japan, a country known for its rich cultural heritage, has also gained recognition for its remarkable population of centenarians. With an astonishing record high of 92,139 individuals aged 100 and above in 2023, it’s no wonder Japan has taken the lead in the global longevity rankings.

But what is the secret to the Japanese’s remarkable longevity? To uncover the truth, we turn to Yumi Yamamoto, the great-granddaughter of Shigeyo Nakachi, a Japanese supercentenarian who, at the time of her death in 2021 at the age of 115, was the second-oldest living person in Japan and the fifth-oldest in the world.

Photo: LongeviQuest

As the Japanese president of LongeviQuest, an organisation that validates the ages of the world’s oldest people, Yamamoto has worked closely with Japanese SuperAgers and centenarians.

Drawing from the wealth of knowledge passed down through generations and firsthand experiences, Yamamoto shares the four habits these Silverithmics consistently prioritise in their quest for a long and healthy life.

Consistency is key

When it comes to longevity, consistency is critical. Yamamoto emphasises that the centenarians and supercentenarians she has encountered have maintained the same lifestyle habits throughout their lives. Whether it’s continuing to work in some capacity after the age of 100, indulging in a daily glass of sake, or climbing stairs multiple times a day, these individuals have embraced habits that have stood the test of time.

Healthy habits, such as regular exercise and prioritising community over work, are embedded in their daily lives. These choices, made consistently over the years, contribute to their longevity.

Photo: Getty Images

The power of discipline

Discipline forms the cornerstone of a SuperAger’s life. Yamamoto attributes her great-grandmother’s remarkable longevity, in part, to her unwavering self-discipline and adherence to a structured routine. “My great-grandmother was very disciplined and very strict on herself. I believe her highly ordered and regimented lifestyle played a significant role in her longevity,” Yamamoto reveals.

This discipline extends beyond mere routine; it encompasses the eating and sleeping habits of many SuperAgers. Maintaining moderation and avoiding excess, they adhere to a balanced approach to life, avoiding late nights and indulging in controlled portions. Yamamoto stresses the importance of discipline not only in what they consume but also in the overall balance and routine they maintain.

Embrace moderation

Contrary to popular belief, SuperAgers do not deprive themselves of enjoyment. They understand the importance of indulging in moderation and finding balance in life. Yamamoto reveals that while most people might not be able to resist eating a whole chocolate bar, many supercentenarians opt instead to savour a portion. This mindful approach aligns with the Japanese practice of “hara hachi bu”, which advocates eating until 80% full.

Photo: Adobe Stock

However, it is important to note that Japanese SuperAgers do not force themselves to do anything they don’t want to do. Yamamoto’s great-grandmother, for example, refused to eat foods that she hated – fish, milk, yoghurt and dairy – even though she was very disciplined in other areas of her life. 

Banish stress

One of the most crucial pieces of advice Yamamoto imparts, echoed by countless supercentenarians and centenarians, is the need to minimise stress. “Don’t allow yourself to be in an environment that is too stressful or overwhelming,” she advises. SuperAgers strive to maintain a balanced state of mind, exhibiting composure and dignity even in the face of adversity.

Yamamoto’s observations reveal their ability to navigate life’s challenges while remaining composed, underscoring the importance of cultivating a peaceful mindset.

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