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  • Writer's pictureCody Cheung

The world’s oldest hairdresser: an extraordinary life of trials and triumphs

Photo: LongeviQuest

In the sleepy Japanese town of Naka River in Tochigi Prefecture, a hairdresser named Shitsui Hakoishi-san defies age with her boundless energy and passion for her craft. At the impressive age of 107, she continues to work her magic, making her mark as the world’s oldest active hairdresser. In recognition of her remarkable abilities, the global authority on maximum human longevity, LongeviQuest, sent its CEO, Ben Meyers, to personally honour Hakoishi-san. On January 7th, Meyers presented her with an award certifying her as the "World’s Oldest Active Hairdresser in her home. She beamed with joy and said, “Ever since I became a hairdresser, I wanted to dedicate my entire life to this profession. To have this certification is like a dream come true. I am truly happy.” As Meyers experienced Hakoishi-san’s cutting prowess first-hand, he remarked with sheer satisfaction, “Her hairdressing skills are simply exceptional. I have encountered numerous centenarians, but Hakoishi-san is by far the most spirited and vibrant.”

Naturally, Meyers is not the only one in awe of Hakoishi-san’s hairdressing superpowers. She commands a fiercely loyal clientele that surpasses imagination. One devoted customer has entrusted his precious locks to Hakoishi-san since he was a mere 5-year-old. Now at the youthful age of 75, he continues to rely on her expertise. The scissors she wields with seasoned ease have been her trusted companion for over 80 years. Her journey as a hairdresser began at the age of 14 when she obtained her certification in Tokyo. With an impressive 93 years of experience under her belt, she undoubtedly reigns as the most accomplished active hairdresser on the planet.

Having graced this earth for over a century, Hakoishi-san has witnessed a tapestry of historical events and emerged victorious through personal trials. From the tumultuous Taisho, Showa, Heisei, and Reiwa eras to surviving the devastating Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 and enduring the ravages of two World Wars, she has tasted both the joys and sorrows of life. The Second World War dealt her a particularly harsh blow, causing her to lose not only her husband but also her beloved hairdressing shop. Reflecting on her journey, she eloquently shares, “I feel like I've been living a life full of ups and downs.”

At the tender age of 14, Hakoishi-san ventured to Tokyo, embarking on an apprenticeship at a salon. By 16, she had acquired her hairdressing certification, officially setting sail on her formidable career. Shortly after, at 22, she married her husband, who was also a hairdresser. Together, they opened two flourishing salons in the vibrant district of Shinjuku. Their remarkable skills set them apart, attracting a constant stream of customers and ensuring a prosperous business. However, in 1942, their lives began to change. Tokyo was repeatedly bombed by the United States Army Air Forces in 1942, but as the air raids became more frequent, people started to become numb to the danger. Hakoishi-san recounts how, during air raid alerts, she would bravely continue cutting customers’ hair with one hand while securing a cushion under her children with the other. The outbreak of the Second World War did not disrupt the happiness of their family of four until her husband received his conscription notice.

Photo: TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN

The date of July 1944 remains etched in Hakoishi-san’s memory with indelible pain. On that fateful day, her tearful husband clutched their two children tightly as he departed for war. The heart-wrenching scene played out on the second floor of their salon while a crowd of well-wishers awaited him downstairs. Little did they know, it would be their final reunion. Just a short time later, Hakoishi-san’s cherished hairdressing salon was reduced to rubble in an air raid. Returning to her hometown of Naka River in Tochigi Prefecture, Hakoishi-san bravely held onto the belief that her husband would return and reunite as a family.

Photo: TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN

Eight long years of waiting ensued. Yet, in 1953, the government delivered the grievous news of her husband’s demise. Consumed by despair, Hakoishi-san found herself bereft of hope and even contemplated ending her own life along with her children. But then, she remembered her husband’s parting words, “Please take good care of the children.” In that moment, her inner strength re-emerged, freeing her from the depths of despair. With unwavering determination, she opened a hair salon near her home, single-handedly raising her children. Word of her cutting-edge techniques honed in Tokyo spread like wildfire, and soon her salon became a magnet for those seeking her skilled touch. Even today, with a son who has joined the ranks of Silverithmics at 81 years old, as well as grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Hakoishi-san works diligently in her shop each passing day.

In 2021, a new chapter unfolded in Hakoishi-san’s extraordinary journey. She was selected as a torchbearer for the Tokyo Olympics. With her eldest son, Hidemasa-san by her side, she graciously accepted the torch in front of the Zannenji Temple in Nasu-Utsunomiya city. Despite the rain on the day, eager spectators gathered along the roadsides, erupting in enthusiastic applause. Hakoishi-san reciprocated their warmth, waving and acknowledging their presence. Grinning brightly, she confessed, “I was nervous about running and worried about falling. However, the rain didn’t dampen my spirit, and I could hear the cheers along the entire route.” Her graceful figure, etched with the wisdom of age, was showcased on screens nationwide. In a country grappling with the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hakoishi-san’s presence as the oldest torchbearer delivered a heartwarming message of hope and encouragement.

Photo: TBS NEWS DIG Powered by JNN

Hakoishi-san’s secret to health and longevity lies within her personal regimen. Each day, she devotes an hour to acupressure massage and her unique daily “gymnastics” routine. She begins by targeting pressure points on her ears and temples, then other acupoints on her body to relax her entire being. Energised, she embarks on her “gymnastics” routine, before diligently completing 500 steps within the confines of her own home. With unwavering dedication, she counts each step, never allowing her focus to waver. In the year leading up to her outing as an Olympic torchbearer, she pushed herself even further, conquering 1,000 steps daily to ensure her body remained in peak condition. Hakoishi-san initiated this regimen at the age of 70 as a precautionary measure against f ageing, and she has maintained her steadfast commitment ever since. Diet also plays a pivotal role in her vibrant health. She scrupulously adheres to a balanced diet consisting of three nutritious meals daily, predominantly featuring vegetables, pickled delights, and fish. Striving for a harmonious blend of vital vitamins, essential minerals, and sufficient protein intake, she has mastered the art of nourishing her body. Finally, she places immense value on fostering connections with her neighbours and friends, recognising the power of meaningful social interaction.

Photo: LongeviQuest

Since gaining the well-deserved title of “Hairdresser Over 100” and capturing the media’s attention, Hakoishi-san’s salon has been inundated with customers from across the country. Yet, she remains undeterred, wielding her scissors with finesse and greeting each visitor with her infectious smile. Her passion for her craft radiates through her words as she declares, “I strive to maintain good health and wield my scissors for the rest of my life. My greatest joy is ensuring my customers leave happy, satisfied with the hairstyles I create.” When the inevitable question of retirement arises, a mischievous sparkle lights up her eyes as she playfully retorts, “I recall a barber in the United States who worked until the age of 108, earning recognition from the Guinness World Records as the world’s oldest hairdresser before he passed away. I will tirelessly toil on to surpass him until I’m 109!” At 107 years young, she fervently embraces this challenge, personifying the spirit of Silverithmic living.

In her village, Hakoishi-san is more than just a hairdresser. She is a beacon of wisdom, sought after for her wealth of life experience. People flock to her, seeking advice and solace in her empathetic counsel. Feeling the responsibility of uplifting others in her twilight years, she shares, “Now is my time to encourage others.” Time and time again, she lends support and reassurance, soothing troubled souls with her words, “There’s no problem” and “Take your time, do what you want to do.” Age, she believes, doesn't signify growing old; instead, it highlights the depth of life experience. Deeply attuned to this philosophy, Hakoishi-san shares profound insights, “Life is an endless series of ups and downs, weaving through mountains and valleys. But with the help of various people, I have persevered. Despite the numerous hardships, I’ve also experienced moments of pure joy, for I am alive. And so, now I want to be the source of encouragement for others.”

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